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You’ve Finished the MoneySwell Financial Priorities Action Plan!

Quick Look

  • You did it! You completed MoneySwell’s longest Action Plan!
  • Set a reminder to review the article titles in your plan annually and revisit those topics that are relevant.


You’re Incredible!

You did it! Not only have you achieved a state of financial abundance, you’ve made it through the MoneySwell Financial Priorities Action Plan (and quite a bit of cheesy stock photography too!). This plan is MoneySwell’s longest action plan and if you’ve been using the platform for a while, there’s a good chance you moved through multiple stages of financial maturity along the way. Well done!

We structured this plan as a long-term roadmap to financial success. We vetted it with Certified Financial Planners. And we customized the articles and tasks based on your circumstances.

Additionally, we started with a clear understanding that there are plenty of places online and in print to get great financial education. But we believed in the power of a checklist. We thought that by breaking education and action steps into bite-sized chunks, and being willing to revisit topics based on a changing state of financial maturity, this action plan would be more useful than a book and better organized than a bunch of random internet searches. 

If you’ve gone through this plan by starting with the financial priorities survey and working your way through each item assigned to you, you’re a testament to the power of the plan. Thank you!

What’s Next?

Set a reminder to review each of the article titles in your action plan, across each of the plan’s tiers, on an annual basis. MoneySwell updates its content regularly and even in a state of financial abundance, it’s never a bad idea to continue your education and remind yourself of key financial topics.

As we release additional action plans, you’ll find some overlap with the Financial Priorities action plan. But you’ll also find new topics, more specific topics, and more short-term action plans to keep you on track.

Again, Congratulations!

We just have to say it once more: Congratulations for completing your action plan! We sincerely hope it is helping you to achieve a life well-lived for you and those you hold dear. Onwards!

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