Test Links WP Blog Post

Test Links

The descriptions for each link describes how the link should perform within the app (I can make them do what I want in WP).

  • MoneySwell Blog test link – These should always open in a new tab regardless of how it’s been coded in WP.
  • MoneySwell Action Plan Public-facing test link – This is a link to a WP post that happens to also have an associated task. Within the app, this link should open the associated task.
  • External site test link – These should always open in a new tab regardless of how it’s been coded in WP (although I will always try to ensure it’s coded to open in a new tab).
  • App Internal test link – This is something that will happen. A task/WP action plan article may reference a tool like Cashflow Goals. In that case, any unauthenticated user should be taken to a sign in/create account page, for the time being we’d just use this.
  • App Internal Action Plan task test link – From the WP side, I don’t think this would ever happen. For example, from a public-facing WP action plan article, the links will always link to the URLs for other WP articles and not link to a task within the app. However, if that scenario ever happened, the ideal experience would be that it would take the user to a sign in/create account page.

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