Quick Look
- Document your current credit score in the notes section above (available to logged-in users) and updated it over time.
How to Get Your Credit Score

Remember: Your credit SCORE is just a snapshot in time. Minor fluctuations are totally normal. But if you see a big shift, check your credit REPORT to find out what changed.
You can find your credit score by going directly to one of the three major credit reporting agencies (Equifax, Experian, TransUnion) or using a third party site (e.g. Credit.com, Credit Karma, Credit Sesame etc.). These options will all allow you to get your score for free even though some may offer extra services for a fee.
Remember: Your credit score is just a snapshot in time. It will fluctuate week to week and month to month. But document it here to have a ballpark figure and to take notice if you see major unexpected changes.
Additionally, checking your own credit score will not hurt your score. When you check your own score, this is known as a “soft inquiry.” Soft inquiries have no impact on your score. “Hard inquiries” on the other hand can negatively impact your score but it has only a low and temporary impact. A hard inquiry is usually performed by a potential creditor who is considering lending you money, e.g. for a car loan, a credit card etc.